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Become a Change Champ!

Are you a CHANGE CHAMPION, or do you avoid it at all costs? I am and have always been a lover of change. From changing my hair to my address, I’m DOWN. Change is an inevitable part of life, sooooo unfortunately, if you haven’t figured it out already, let’s get good at it! We should learn to embrace it to navigate challenges and achieve our goals. Here are some of my own tips to help you begin to embrace change:

  1. Recognize that change is a part of life: The first step in learning to embrace change is to recognize that it's a natural part of life. IT’S.NOT.GOING.ANYWHERE. Change can be scary, but it's also an opportunity for something new.

  2. Embrace uncertainty: Change often brings uncertainty, and it's important to learn to navigate it. Instead of fearing the unknown, focus on the possibilities that change can bring. I like to imagine different scenarios and plan based on various options.

  3. Take control of your thoughts: Our thoughts have a powerful influence on our actions and emotions. To learn to embrace change, it's important to take control of your thoughts and challenge negative thoughts and beliefs. I literally write out positive affirmations regularly on my daily planner.

4. Practice flexibility: Change requires adaptability and flexibility. To learn to embrace change, it's important to practice being open to new ideas and approaches. Listen and ask, what are the possibilities?

5. Learn from failure: Failure is a natural part of taking action. To embrace change, it's important to learn from your failures and view them as opportunities for growth and learning. Ok, so this one is a challenge…we all like to win, and I am no exception, but I do try to find a lesson in every failure.

6. Stay positive: Embracing change requires a positive attitude and mindset. To learn to embrace change, it's important to stay positive and focus on the opportunities and benefits that change can bring.

7. Take action: Change often requires taking action. To learn to embrace change, it's important to take action toward your goals and to make the necessary changes to achieve them. Just move in the direction you desire to go despite change and make it work!

If you try one of the tips above, it will make change more tolerable. If you can put many of these tips into action, you can thrive in the midst of change. Remember that change is an ongoing process; it takes time to become fluent in the skills to navigate change. But with the right mindset and strategies, you can learn to embrace change and achieve your goals.

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