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Ready, Set, Search!

As a career coach for women, one of the most common questions I receive is, "How can I get noticed by hiring managers, or how do I stand out in a crowded market?" It's a tough question to answer, as there is no one-size-fits-all solution. However, there are a few tips and tricks you can try to increase your chances of standing out to hiring managers. Here are four tips to help you get noticed in your job search.

Review the job description

Before you start applying for jobs, take the time to review the job descriptions carefully. Pay attention to the required qualifications and skills and ensure they match your own. Don’t simply list tasks that you think are important. Really pay attention to what the job posting is telling you. LISTEN! Then, highlight your relevant experience in your resume and cover letter, and be sure to address the required qualifications in your application materials.

Update your resume

Your resume is the first impression a hiring manager will have of you. Make sure it's up-to-date, easy to read, and well-organized. Use bullet points and quantifiable results to highlight your accomplishments and skills. If you're applying for a job in a specific industry, ensure your resume includes relevant keywords and phrases. Consider having a friend or family member review your resume to provide feedback and catch any errors you may have missed. If you are unsure where to start, here is a free resource to help you. Still not up for the task…hire a career coach or resume writer!

Practice your interview

Practice makes perfect, and the same applies to job interviews. Research common interview questions and practice your responses ahead of time. Ensure you can articulate your skills, experience, and accomplishments clearly and concisely. Practice your body language and tone of voice to ensure you come across as confident and professional. Consider recording yourself during a mock interview to review your performance and identify areas for improvement. Not so shameless plug here…I am damn good at interviewing, and you should schedule a Discovery Call with me to get started! If you are not ready yet, here is a free resource to get you started.

Start conversations on social media

Social media can be a powerful tool in your job search. Start conversations with industry professionals and potential employers by commenting on their posts, sharing relevant content, and engaging in online communities. Use LinkedIn to connect with people in your industry and showcase your skills and experience. Just make sure your social media profiles are professional.

Getting noticed by hiring managers requires preparation, organization, and persistence. Reviewing the job description, updating your resume, practicing your interview, and starting conversations on social media can increase your chances of standing out in a crowded job market. Remember, finding the right job takes time and effort, but with the right approach, you can land the career of your dreams.

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