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The Virtual Interview-Getting Set up for Success

Hey! How is everyone doing out there? We are now in week (I have no idea) of the Covid-19 pandemic and remote work seems like it’s never going to end! Yes, being at home, in the comfort of your living room and in your pajamas is fun for a while, but we’ve had enough…RIGHT!? If you are one of millions of Americans that are unemployed during this time; I sympathize greatly as my hubby and I have both faced temporary unemployment during this crisis. IT’S SCARY. However, there is hope! Employers are still hiring and I just want to take a few moments to share a few tips on Virtual Interviewing.


1. Prep your background-Make sure your background is free of clutter. Disorganization may be a negative sign and a distraction during the video call. Also make sure your lighting and angles are flattering (more on that in a few)!

2. Remove distractions-Kids and pets, though we love them dearly can serve as the biggest distractions during a video call. Make a plan for a sitter to care for your pets and/or kids during the scheduled interview time. Other potential distractions to silence are phones, televisions, and email or other notifications.

3. TEST YOUR TECHNOLOGY-This step is vital. Of course we can’t predict all technical mishaps, but we can avoid most. Download necessary apps well ahead of time and test your connections with a friend. Ensure that your sound and cameras function well. We are all using technology during this time of quarantine, so this should not be difficult. Using a laptop or tablet is best, but if you have to use your phone; use a stand or tripod to get the best results. Ladies, you know your best angles, use them. While it is tempting to have that selfie shot, remember this is an interview and body language is still important. By showing more than just the selfie view allows you the mobility to lean in when making an important point.

4. Dress the part- This should go without saying. Yes, you are interviewing from the comfort of your home, come on…PUT ON SOME CLOTHES! I would suggest that you get fully dressed and not just on the top. Also, make sure you hair and makeup also reflect how you would show up to an in-person interview.

5. Use notes wisely-This is where you have an advantage in the remote interview process. Take the time to go to the employer’s website and match your qualifications to the job description. Ensure you have the 3-4 points you would like to make as well as any questions you would like to ask. Now take it a step further. One of the hardest decisions a hiring has to make is whether you would “add” to the company culture. I don’t use “fit in” because that implies that everyone has to be similar. Help answer this question for them! Use the mission and values of the organization to sell yourself. Here is an example. “While viewing the company’s social media sites, I was able to see first-hand the importance of community. This directly aligns with my values and I look forward to learning and growing in this role as well as contributing to the heart of the organization, which is service.”

Now that you are prepared for the interview, Nail It! I look forward to creating a resource for connecting with the interviewer in this new virtual environment. What are other things you do to prepare for virtual job interviews?

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