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Working Woman: How to Find Balance

Do you ever find yourself searching for that perfect, elusive work/life balance? It can be difficult to achieve! It is so difficult, in-fact, that I have devoted my lifelong career to helping others find their balance, especially when it comes to health and wellness. To me, one of the fun parts of my job as a Wellness Coordinator and Registered Dietitian is helping others find what works best for them, because balance (and health!) looks different for everyone.

No matter what balance looks like for you, here are my top 3 tips for creating a healthy work and personal life:

1. Make a Plan

a. Without a doubt, my biggest tip is to plan ahead – for home and the office. I cannot stress enough the importance of planning; it clears up mental space and it ensures that everything gets done. My favorite way to plan is by using a paper (yes, old school paper!) planner, but your phone works as well. As always, find what works best for you. I like to make a detailed plan for the week first thing Monday morning, including plenty of reminders. For example, going to the gym Tuesday night? Make a note on Monday to pack your gym bag.

2. Self-Care

a. Nowadays, self-care is synonymous with bubble baths, trips to the spa, massages, etc. And while I fully support treating yourself and taking the time to pamper, I have to mention one of the most important parts of self-care: learning when to say “no.” To me, this can mean so many things, like saying no to another weekend plan when you know you need time alone to recharge. And saying no to staying up late when you know you have a work meeting first thing in the morning. In my opinion, it’s these little “no’s” that are the hardest, but they are the most important to our mental/physical/professional health.

3. Support and Accountability

a. Let’s face it: most of the time we lack the motivation to get things done, which is why it’s harder to achieve our personal and professional goals! Find that support system to motivate you when you are not feeling motivated yourself. Not only will that person keep you accountable, but they can also help you through setbacks and challenges. And the best part about motivation? Sometimes you have to take action before you feel motivated. It may be tough meal prepping for the week, but you will always be glad you did.

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